In order to avoid breathing the toxic aerosol vapours, you'd better use a protective mask when go out painting. Quem pinta deve precaver-se com uma máscara para evitar inalar os gases tóxicos emitidos pelos aerossois.
A Crew L é uma equipa multidisciplinar constituída por vários artistas com formação universitária e uma ampla experiência no domínio das artes. Elegeu o espaço público como o seu lugar de intervenção por excelência, numa perspectiva de democratização da experiência estética em geral e do espaço urbano em particular.
«Rewinding still further, to classical times, did the famous gladiator Celadus Crescens feel any remorse when he wrote on the walls of the gladiatorial academy in Pompeii that “Celadus makes girls sigh”. I doubt it. And I don’t think his fellow Pompeiian vandal, the chap who drew a penis on a street corner and then added the slogan “Handle with care”, felt particularly guilty either.»
«Actually, you need to go back much further than 20 years to get anywhere near the origins of graffiti art. You have to return to prehistory. I’ve seen naughty scratchings on cave walls that are at least 20,000 years old. Give someone an opportunity to scrawl something they shouldn’t, somewhere they oughtn’t, and in my experience the blighters will always take it. For instance, that well-known vandal, Lord Byron, appears not to have felt any pangs of conscience whatsoever about incising his name on a column in the ancient Temple of Poseidon, in Attica, where you can still read it. Byron couldn’t help himself: he had to let people know he’d been there. The same goes for those notorious Renaissance vandals Michelangelo and Raphael, both of whom sneaked down into the basement of Nero’s Golden House in Rome and signed themselves on the ruins.»Waldemar Januszczak
«Longe de se ter "desmoronado", o anarquismo, o pensamento libertário, está de boa saúde. Está mesmo na origem de muitos progressos efectivos. Algumas formas de opressão e de injustiça que mal eram reconhecidas, e ainda menos combatidas, deixaram entretanto de ser aceites. Isso é um triunfo, um progresso para o género humano.» Noam Chomsky
«It's very, very important to understand that war is the result of a flawed peace, and we must understand the systems that are at work here. You know, we must understand that the resistance movement in Iraq is a resistance movement that all of us have to support, because it's our war, too.»
«We seek to unite with all graffiti and guerrilla artists to build a revolutionary and rebellious movement and culture that is underground but does not isolate itself from the people.»
«A arte de rua tem a dimensão humana de não ter sido feita para persistir. É efémera e assim vai sendo modificada ou substituída ao ritmo daquilo que os muralistas pretendem transmitir a quem por ali passa. E a constante transformação, essa, ocorre em clima de festa!»
«We’re telling advertisers, “Hey, if you have something to say, that’s fine, but if anyone else has something to say, they can also say it.” It’s not about participating because you have the money or because you own the interior of that building. It’s about opening up the conversation.»
We are in June and the Summer is coming. We wish to keep on doing urban art just like we've done in the past summers. Dalaiama loves his Crew L ;-)
O mês de Junho marca a chegada do Verão. O calor dos dias morenos deixa antever muitos e belos momentos de arte urbana para Dalaiama e para a sua Crew L ;-)