segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2020


"Todos esses que aí estão
Atravancando meu caminho,
Eles passarão...
Eu passarinho!"

Mário Quintana

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2020

Recognizable Image

"Typically, a stencilled work is characterized by an easily recognizable image or a legible word or phrase and does not necessarily advertise the name of its creator."

Anna Waclawek

quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2020

Faculdades imaginativas

"No início, havia a imagem. Para onde quer que nos viremos, existe a imagem. Por todo o lado através do mundo, o homem deixou vestígios das suas faculdades imaginativas sob a forma de desenhos feitos na rocha e que vão desde os tempos mais remotos do paleolítico até à época moderna. Estes desenhos destinavam-se a comunicar mensagens e muitos deles constituíram aquilo a que chamamos “os pré-anunciadores da escrita”, utilizando processos de descrição-representação que apenas retinham um desenvolvimento esquemático de representações de coisas reais." 

Martine Joly

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2020

Have A Message

"I loved people that had messages like PRAY, WORSHIP GOD or FREE HUEY. That's why I liked the name Stay High, 'cause it had a message. It was really me."

Stay High 149

quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2020

The Good Sheep Feed Their Master

"The sheep fail to see that sheep dogs are there to keep them in line, not to keep the wolves away. Likewise, the sheep fail to see that sheep masters feed them because they get to harvest the wool to keep the themselves warm and turn them into meals to keep the themselves and their dogs fed."

Vincit Omnia Veritas

segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2020

The Ethic of Graffiti Writing

"I love seeing graffiti and I love the scratch shit and I love the etch. What I don’t like is the fact that — being older and kind of understanding what it takes to run a business and have a window in front of your shop that costs thousands of dollars — and a 12 year old kid comes by and does an etch bath tag on it . . . It’s a little fucked up. I think there is some systems that can afford that — like Starbucks or Wal-Mart or a big business. But you go by a barbershop — some dude put 20 years of his life into buying that place — and a little kid, ignorant to what that took, comes and vandalizes it. I think it puts a bad thing out for graffiti."

BISC (legendary american Graffiti writer)